
Interface SettingsAPI

The SettingsAPI provides basic functionalities to configure the 3D Space.



  • Changes the setting to the given value.

    Type Parameters

    • T extends string


    • setting: T

      A name that specifies a particular setting

    • value: ContextSettingType<T>

      The new value for the setting

    Returns boolean

    A boolean which indicates if the setting has changed

  • Applies the specified set of settings to the context.


    • config: {
          aaSetting: any;
          additionalCookies: any;
          additionalRequestHeaders: any;
          additionalWSQueryParameters: any;
          applicationIdentifier: any;
          auxModeRecursiveSearch: any;
          auxModeUncolorFacesOnLeave: any;
          backgroundColor: any;
          boosterURL: any;
          cappingEffectEdgeColor: any;
          cappingEffectEnabled: any;
          cappingEffectInnerColor: any;
          cappingGeometryColor: any;
          colorComparisonFirstColor: any;
          colorComparisonMatchingColor: any;
          colorComparisonSecondColor: any;
          colorizeEffect: any;
          contextMenuFunction: any;
          coordSys: any;
          defaultFieldOfView: any;
          defaultQueryLinkDepth: any;
          disableDefaultInteraction: any;
          disableSpecularHighlights: any;
          doubleClickAnimationVolumeScale: any;
          doubleClickTimeWindow: any;
          drawingArrowheadEnd: any;
          drawingArrowheadStart: any;
          drawingColor: any;
          drawingMode: any;
          drawingSize: any;
          dynamicAuxContrastEnabled: any;
          dynamicCOREnabled: any;
          dynamicClippingDistance: any;
          dynamicClippingEnabled: any;
          expandOnViewerSelection: any;
          faceHighlightColor: any;
          faceSelectionColor: any;
          fitViewFactor: any;
          flyNavigationSpeed: any;
          flyToOnDoubleClick: any;
          focusOnDoubleClick: any;
          frontPlaneAxis: any;
          frustumCulling: any;
          gizmoScalingFactor: any;
          gizmosEnabled: any;
          gpuMemoryReleaseFactor: any;
          hoverColor: any;
          hubURL: any;
          initView: any;
          initialFit: any;
          initialStateActivation: any;
          lightingEnvironment: any;
          lineHighlightColor: any;
          lineSelectionColor: any;
          loadRemoteConfigFile: any;
          logLevel: any;
          maxActiveSceneVolumeDiameter: any;
          maxConcurrentDownloads: any;
          maxDynamicClipDistance: any;
          maxGPUMemory: any;
          maxSRCCPUMemory: any;
          measurementAngularTolerance: any;
          measurementMaterialDensities: any;
          mouseInvertZoomingDirection: any;
          navigationMode: any;
          navigationSampling: any;
          navigationSpeedFactor: any;
          navigationSpeedThrottleFactor: any;
          notificationLogLevels: any;
          parentSelectEnabled: any;
          preSelectionColor: any;
          preferXHRWithCredentials: any;
          projectionType: any;
          renderAuxOnTop: any;
          renderMode: any;
          renderSetup: any;
          screenSpaceCoverageCalculationMethod: any;
          selectionColor: any;
          sessionDeviceTags: any;
          sessionForwardUrl: any;
          sessionInteractions: any;
          sessionMemberName: any;
          showAuxOnNavigation: any;
          silhouetteEffect: any;
          silhouetteEffectColor: any;
          silhouetteEffectExclusiveEnabled: any;
          skipSslVerify: any;
          slamProviderType: any;
          smallFeatureCulling: any;
          smallFeaturePixelThreshold: any;
          snapshotContentSelection: any;
          soc: any;
          spacemouseMultiplier: any;
          ssaoEnabled: any;
          taaEnabled: any;
          topoGeometryColor: any;
          topoGeometrySecondaryColor: any;
          topoPointsEnabled: any;
          turntableLowerVerticalLimit: any;
          turntableUpperVerticalLimit: any;
          turntableVerticalLimitsEnabled: any;
          uriMap: any;
          useDevicePixelRatio: any;
          vertexColorsEnabled: any;
          viewPerspective: any;
          webglPreserveDrawingbuffer: any;
          xrEnabled: any;

      Settings to import

      • aaSetting: any
      • additionalCookies: any
      • additionalRequestHeaders: any
      • additionalWSQueryParameters: any
      • applicationIdentifier: any
      • auxModeRecursiveSearch: any
      • auxModeUncolorFacesOnLeave: any
      • backgroundColor: any
      • boosterURL: any
      • cappingEffectEdgeColor: any
      • cappingEffectEnabled: any
      • cappingEffectInnerColor: any
      • cappingGeometryColor: any
      • colorComparisonFirstColor: any
      • colorComparisonMatchingColor: any
      • colorComparisonSecondColor: any
      • colorizeEffect: any
      • contextMenuFunction: any
      • coordSys: any
      • defaultFieldOfView: any
      • defaultQueryLinkDepth: any
      • disableDefaultInteraction: any
      • disableSpecularHighlights: any
      • doubleClickAnimationVolumeScale: any
      • doubleClickTimeWindow: any
      • drawingArrowheadEnd: any
      • drawingArrowheadStart: any
      • drawingColor: any
      • drawingMode: any
      • drawingSize: any
      • dynamicAuxContrastEnabled: any
      • dynamicCOREnabled: any
      • dynamicClippingDistance: any
      • dynamicClippingEnabled: any
      • expandOnViewerSelection: any
      • faceHighlightColor: any
      • faceSelectionColor: any
      • fitViewFactor: any
      • flyNavigationSpeed: any
      • flyToOnDoubleClick: any
      • focusOnDoubleClick: any
      • frontPlaneAxis: any
      • frustumCulling: any
      • gizmoScalingFactor: any
      • gizmosEnabled: any
      • gpuMemoryReleaseFactor: any
      • hoverColor: any
      • hubURL: any
      • initView: any
      • initialFit: any
      • initialStateActivation: any
      • lightingEnvironment: any
      • lineHighlightColor: any
      • lineSelectionColor: any
      • loadRemoteConfigFile: any
      • logLevel: any
      • maxActiveSceneVolumeDiameter: any
      • maxConcurrentDownloads: any
      • maxDynamicClipDistance: any
      • maxGPUMemory: any
      • maxSRCCPUMemory: any
      • measurementAngularTolerance: any
      • measurementMaterialDensities: any
      • mouseInvertZoomingDirection: any
      • navigationMode: any
      • navigationSampling: any
      • navigationSpeedFactor: any
      • navigationSpeedThrottleFactor: any
      • notificationLogLevels: any
      • parentSelectEnabled: any
      • preSelectionColor: any
      • preferXHRWithCredentials: any
      • projectionType: any
      • renderAuxOnTop: any
      • renderMode: any
      • renderSetup: any
      • screenSpaceCoverageCalculationMethod: any
      • selectionColor: any
      • sessionDeviceTags: any
      • sessionForwardUrl: any
      • sessionInteractions: any
      • sessionMemberName: any
      • showAuxOnNavigation: any
      • silhouetteEffect: any
      • silhouetteEffectColor: any
      • silhouetteEffectExclusiveEnabled: any
      • skipSslVerify: any
      • slamProviderType: any
      • smallFeatureCulling: any
      • smallFeaturePixelThreshold: any
      • snapshotContentSelection: any
      • soc: any
      • spacemouseMultiplier: any
      • ssaoEnabled: any
      • taaEnabled: any
      • topoGeometryColor: any
      • topoGeometrySecondaryColor: any
      • topoPointsEnabled: any
      • turntableLowerVerticalLimit: any
      • turntableUpperVerticalLimit: any
      • turntableVerticalLimitsEnabled: any
      • uriMap: any
      • useDevicePixelRatio: any
      • vertexColorsEnabled: any
      • viewPerspective: any
      • webglPreserveDrawingbuffer: any
      • xrEnabled: any

    Returns void

  • Returns the value of a setting.

    Type Parameters

    • T extends string


    • setting: T

      The name of the setting that should be read

    Returns ContextSettingType<T>

    The value of the specified setting

  • Resets the value of a setting to the installation default.


    Returns void

  • Returns void