Signed Input Configuration#


The system provides a security mechanism to restrict access to system resources to require valid signatures. Signatures are always enabled by default and use internally generated keys if no custom keys are configured.

The system provides the option to require any input URIs to be cryptographically signed. This is disabled by default.


Signing keys are stored in the system PostgreSQL database. Any changes to the relevant tables are automatically propagated to the i3dhub-keystore service, which in turn broadcasts changes via an internal queue in RabbitMQ. Any services requiring signing keys listen to these changes and update their keys appropriately.

Custom Keys#

Custom keys can be provided by directly inserting these into a running instance of the system. Keys are expected to be in PEM format. There are several methods to provide keys:


Upload a key directly to the KeyStore, which will then also persist the provided key in PostgreSQL:

curl --data-binary @key.pem --header 'Content-Type: application/x-pem-file' i3dhub-keystore:8080/addKeys



Only the HTTP method will check the validity of the provided key before persisting it to PostgreSQL. Other methods will insert any data without validation.

Insert the key directly into PostgreSQL via a stored procedure:

select keys.insert_key('key.pem contents here');

Insert the key directly into the correct table:

insert into keys.active_keys(key)
values ('key.pem contents here');

Signed Input#


Custom keys are required when using signed input. Without custom keys the system will not be able to validate the input and will reject all requests.

In order to validate input URIs the system needs to know which part of the URIs is the signature, and which the signed part. A set of regex rules must be provided to extract the relevant parts from inputs.

Each regex must provide at least two capture groups. The first capture group must capture the signed part, the second the signature of the signed part.

Configuration is provided to the system via values.yaml:

# Enable signed input validation. This list of rules (regexes) is run against resolved
# URLs and will attempt to validate signatures. Only if at least one of the given rules
# passes validation will the input be considered valid.
# Each rule must return the signed part as the first capture group and the signatures
# as the second capture group. For example, applying the disabled rule to
# results in the first capture group being
# and the second being 123456. This causes the system to
# attempt to verify 123456 as the signature of
# Default: disabled, no input validation
 - https?://([^\\?]+).*sig=([^&]+)